Human Resources Consultancy and Solutions
Make an impact.
Our company is based on the belief that there is always an opportunity to free up some time - from the daily demands and obligations - to help people in need. While our commitment to outreach is extensive - within the local community as well as beyond - we are proud of our focus on helping children impacted by homelessless.
Donation Drop Box.
The mission of School on Wheels of Massachusetts is to educate children impacted by homelessness by providing academic support and one-on-one mentoring so children can reach their full potential.
All of our workshops and events have a designated donation drop box on hand for new school supplies or games for children.
School on Wheels has a 94% graduation rate; 83% go on to college or vocational training. SOWMA currently has 34 students enrolled in college.
Ask Us!
About how your company can donate a school supply or new game for children impacted by homelessness.
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To learn more about School on Wheels.